ID#: 9103
As was depicted in PHIL 9046, the configuration of this stairway system allowed for the possibility of visually-impaired, or unimpaired individuals to injure themselves, while passing beneath the stairway, for there was nothing that would warn the passerby, as to the presence of a low-hanging overhang. Even a walking stick would not come into contact with the overhang. As seen in PHIL 9047–9049, the use of aesthetically placed obstacles, like a fountain, or bench seating for pedestrians, would act to prevent walkers from navigating inadvertently on a dangerous course underneath the stairway, thereby, reducing the possibility of head injuries.
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Content Provider(s): CDC/ Richard Duncan, MRP, Sr. Proj. Mngr, North Carolina State University, The Center for Universal Design
Creation Date: 2006
Photo Credit: Center for Universal Design
Links: North Carolina State University - The Center for Universal Design
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