ID#: 8961
This photograph, depicted Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) laboratory technician, Shirley McClinton, as she was harvesting organisms from a Petri dish culture plate, from a group of culture plates, in order to create a Fusarium-isolate culture. These organisms had been received from an outbreak in patients with ocular keratitis. The mold was isolated using potato dextrose agar, which had been incubated at 26°C, for 5 - 7 days. This isolate was identified as a mold from the Fusarium oxysporum species complex.
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Content Provider(s): CDC/ Mark Lindsley, Sc.D. D(ABMM), Lynette Benjamin, Shirley McClinton
Creation Date: 2006
Photo Credit: James Gathany
CDC Organization
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Copyright Restrictions: None - This image is in the public domain and thus free of any copyright restrictions.