ID#: 8902
This historic image depicted a gathering of Carville, Louisiana Leprosarium patients, as they were enjoying an outing on Lake Johansen, which included a picnic under these large, very old shade trees. Such outdoor events were commonly attended, especially on Sundays. Lake Johansen was named after one of the Leprosarium's Chief Medical Officers, Dr. Frederick A. Johansen. The National Hansen's Disease Museum's mission is to collect, preserve and interpret the medical and cultural artifacts of the Carville Historic District. In addition, it wants to promote the understanding, identification, and treatment of HD. We fulfill this mission by creating and maintaining museum displays, traveling exhibits, publications and a website in order to educate and inform the public on all levels.
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Content Provider(s): CDC/ Elizabeth Schexnyder, National Hansen's Disease Museum, Curator
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Links: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services; Health Resources and Services Administration; The National Hansen's Disease Museum
Copyright Form: National Hansen’s Disease Museum; User Registration Form
CDC Organization
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Copyright Restrictions: Yes - This image is copyright protected. Any public or private use of this image is subject to prevailing copyright laws. Please contact the content provider of this image for permission requests.