ID#: 24234
This image depicted a volar view of a patient’s right forearm, highlighting the presence of an inflammatory wheal, where the man had received a Mantoux tuberculin skin test, which is used to evaluate people for latent tuberculosis (TB) infection. In the United States, this skin test consists of an intradermal injection of exactly one-tenth of a milliliter (mL) of tuberculin, which contains 5-tuberculin units. Correct placement of this intradermal injection involves inserting the needle bevel slowly, at a 5° to 15°-angle. The needle bevel is advanced through the epidermis, the superficial layer of skin, approximately 3mm, so that the entire bevel is covered and lies just under the skin surface. A tense, pale wheal that is 6mm to 10mm in diameter, appears over the needle bevel. This patient developed this reddened area over the injection site. See PHIL 24233, for a view showing a nurse measuring the size of the inflamed reaction wheal.
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Content Provider(s): CDC/ R.L. Larkin
Creation Date: 1965
Photo Credit:
CDC Organization
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Copyright Restrictions: None - This image is in the public domain and thus free of any copyright restrictions.