ID#: 23096
This young girl was showing her Hurricane Maria-battered home in Jayuya, Puerto Rico. Her family lost all property, and was one of many residents on the Caribbean island, who suffered from limited access to potable water, electricity, transportation, and communications in the aftermath of the Hurricane. Deployed Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) staff collaborated with the Puerto Rican Health Department, to reach the most vulnerable communities, including those with no access to safe food, or clean water, and people, who were in isolated, rural areas. CDC staff performed door-to-door public health assessments to determine pressing health needs, including access to medication, safe drinking water, and medical care. Through partnerships and grassroots efforts, the CDC team disseminated 1.6-million copies of flyers around the island, each containing foodborne, waterborne, infectious and non-infectious diseases prevention information.
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Content Provider(s): CDC/ CDC Connects, Theresa Roebuck
Creation Date: 2017
Photo Credit: Ashley A. Andújar
CDC Organization
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