ID#: 22762
This intraoperative view, depicted a male patient in the process of undergoing what is referred to, as a medical male circumcision (MMC). The procedure was being conducted at the Southern African Clothing & Textile Workers' Union (SACTWU), Workers’ Health Program (SWHP), Gale Street Clinic in Durban, South Africa. Studies have shown that the HIV virus is less likely to be transmitted to circumcised men. The procedure also reduces the risk of other sexually transmitted diseases being passed on, and reduces the risk for females to contract cervical cancer. The SWHP is the highest performing, President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief - Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (PEPFAR-CDC) partner in MMC service delivery, with nearly 200,000 circumcisions performed since 2010.
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Content Provider(s): CDC/ CDC-Connects, Theresa Roebuck
Creation Date: 2017
Photo Credit: Victor Balaban; PhD
CDC Organization
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