ID#: 20949
This image, entitled, “Using Death to Inform the Living", was created in June 2015, by the friend of U.S. Public Health Service, Commissioned Corps, LT Lauren Brewer, while they were visiting the Wake Memorial Cemetery located in Cary, North Carolina. Lt. Brewer tell us that, “In the National Center for Health Statistics, Division of Vital Statistics, Data Acquisition and Evaluation Branch, we collect mortality data from the states and territories. Our work is normally done inside, on a computer, not in a graveyard, but truly every record corresponds to a very personal death of a loved one, as represented by the graves in this picture. We use this data to inform the living of what medical conditions are killing us, as an American people. The hope is, that by using this data, we can focus on prevention efforts, and improve the quality of life for all.” This was one of the entries in the 2015 CDC Connects, Public Health in Action Photo Contest.
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Content Provider(s): CDC/ CDC Connects
Creation Date: 2015
Photo Credit: LT Lauren Brewer
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Copyright Restrictions: None - This image is in the public domain and thus free of any copyright restrictions.