ID#: 18088
Created in 1969, this chart identifies and compares the key features of the maculopapular rash that develops during the evolution of the diseases smallpox and chickenpox. In the case of smallpox, the distribution of the rash is described as being greater on the arms and legs, while in the case of chickenpox, the rash distribution is greatest on the body. The involvement of the palms and soles in the rash distribution can also help to identify smallpox from chickenpox. In the case of smallpox, involvement of the palms and soles is usually present, while in the case of chickenpox, involvement of the these regions is usually absent.
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Content Provider(s): CDC
Creation Date: 1969
Photo Credit:
CDC Organization
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Copyright Restrictions: None - This image is in the public domain and thus free of any copyright restrictions.