ID#: 12167
This 1955 photograph depicted the penis of a Brisbane, Australia patient, displaying morphologic changes indicative of a condition referred to as paraphimosis, involving the penile foreskin, or prepuce becoming edematous, or swollen. The prepuce swells to such an extent, it is unable to return to its normal position, over the glans penis, without being manually manipulated back into place. Sometimes, the tight band of tissue needs to be surgically reduced, by cutting a dorsal slit, thereby, alleviating the tension in the circumferential band of foreskin tissue, posterior to the corona of the glans.
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Content Provider(s): CDC/ K. Mae Lennon, Tulane Medical School; Clement Benjamin
Creation Date: 1955
Photo Credit:
CDC Organization
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Copyright Restrictions: None - This image is in the public domain and thus free of any copyright restrictions.