ID#: 10771
This 2001 photograph depicted a left lateral view of a poisonous saddleback caterpillar, also referred to as a packsaddle caterpillar, which is actually the instar, or developmental stage through which the saddleback caterpillar moth, Sibine stimulea passes, on its way to becoming an adult, or imago moth. Beware, for the spines, also known as urticating hairs, emanating from its dorsal protuberances, are capable of delivering a very painful sting, due to the irritating venom they secrete. These moths are native to the eastern region of North America. A solitary species, this caterpillar is often found on deciduous trees within its habitats. Note the bright green midsection with its mid-dorsal round brown, white-ringed, saddle-shaped spot.
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Content Provider(s): CDC/ James Gathany
Creation Date: 2001
Photo Credit: James Gathany
CDC Organization
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Copyright Restrictions: None - This image is in the public domain and thus free of any copyright restrictions.